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Body Therapy

Our body stores everything that ever was and everything that is now. Thus, it is a wonderful gateway to healing. 


Movement, Yoga & Dance "Inti Tribal Dance

Through dance we come into movement and thus we also move everything that is stored in the body and possibly has been stuck for a long time, makes us sick or simply blocks us.


Everything comes into the flow and is allowed to sort itself anew, to find a new healthy place. Sick energies are allowed to come to the surface and be seen, in order to then lovingly say goodbye to them. New power potentials may be discovered and integrated. 




The combination of music and prayer helps us to remember and activate our self-healing powers. Since we humans are mostly water, and this element wants to flow/vibrate in harmony, instruments, mantras, Ikaros (the chanted healing prayer) can help to create balance.


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Body Therapy & Energetic Cleaning

The connection between body and mind conveys a certain frequency that easily gets out of control due to illness, harmful habits, stress and destructive emotions.


During the energetic cleansing, which I design individually each time and therefore always use different combinations of my sacred tools, I try in collaboration with you to bring this frequency back into balance.


The bodywork through touch serves as a guide to help me read the messages of your body through this work. Since this work takes place in direct contact only between you and me, it is also very intense. I often use my entire experience and knowledge. 




Meditation is the silence and the place where we can transform ourselves and new ways emerge. Its benefits are now known to all of us and have also been scientifically proven. Through meditation we become masters of our mind and body.


I vary between different meditation techniques, chanting, mudras, breathing techniques, pranayama and visualizations.

Doing this online gives us the opportunity to connect as a group, anywhere in the world. Very easy and uncomplicated from home.


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Fasting & Nutrition

Fasting gives our body rest, keeps it young and healthy. I myself have been fasting for more than 20 years and every time I am thrilled anew how good it does and how much more energy we actually have available when the body is less burdened with digestive processes. After fasting, it is easier to live with new, healthy eating habits. 


A good start in this direction is the Shankprakshalana yogic intestinal cleansing through salt water and asanas. Here I accompany you with healing songs, drumming, incense and much more, depending on what proves individually useful on that day. 




Movement, Yoga & Dance "Inti Tribal Dance


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Body Therapy & Energetic Cleaning


Fasting & Nutrition

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