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Meditation - Constellation - Inspiration

This course is aimed at all those who either work with other people, both in groups or individually, or simply want to dive deeper into their own healing process. There will be a maximum of 20 people.


We will work on subjects, such as:


  • How to find out and sense what I need/what the person I’m working with needs?

  • What does that even mean: to hold space? And how do I go about it?

  • Various healing methods

  • Creating rituals and ceremonies

  • Working together in a process-oriented way

  • What is the art of smudging and how do I go about it?

  • The wisdom of prayer

  • Energy work

  • What does it mean to expand our consciousness

  • Being more mindful with ourselves and others


In meditation and in stillness we will find that place from where we can transform and bring to the surface new paths.


Constellations are a way of finding out how to let go and what to invite into our lives, in order to be more peaceful.


Inspiration is a way of actively evaluating the possibilities life holds for us, in order to plant new seeds. 


I am looking forward to getting to know you and to share my knowledge.

You’ll find all upcoming dates under Events. 

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